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Lars Arthur Johansen

Kristoffer Hegge

Sten Bjertnes



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Nordic junior prize giving

Girls Prize Giving

1. Denmark

2. Norway

U20 Prize giving

1. Sweden

2. Norway

3. Finland

U25 prizegiving


2. Denmark

3. Sweden



Close race in the U25 final

Denmark increased the lead in the beginning of the last session. They were ahead by 19 imp when this board appeared.

As you see the auction was quite similar, but it looks like there was a misunderstanding with 3 spade for the danes when Jepsen decided to bid 4 spades rather than 4 hearts. Skjetne led his queen of diamond, small, small small. He switched to a club, and when Grude cashed his Ace of diamond they made the perfect defence for down 2. 13 Imps to Norway when 4 hearts by North is unbeatable. 

Norway U25 won the NBU trophy


Norway U25 won the NBU trophy for the second time in a row by winning the Round Robin in the Nordic Championship. Congratulations to the winners Tor Eivind Grude, Erlend Skjetne, Harald Eide and Kristian Barstad Ellingsen.


Also congratulations to the butler winners, Majka Bilde and Peter Jepsen (playing against Rosaline Barendregt and Ynge Lamo in the opening tourney).


Lucky bidding to the top contract

In the match between Norway U25 and Sweden U20, Norway found a lucky way to the top contract at board 4


Skjetne meant the 4 heart bid as a suggestion for contract, Grude took that bid as a cue-bid. Mikael got punished for his double of 6 hearts when Skjetne made the 6NT bid, which was the top contract. 10 seconds later, Skjetne noted the score 1680 at his side of the score chart.

Round robin Norway U25 vs Sweden U25


2 NT = jacoby, inv + 4+spade
4 D = cuebid (for the Norwegians this bid shows at least 2 hearts, because dbl shows shortness)

As you see, the biddings was the same on both table, except that Sweden stopped in 5 spade. If Eide choose to dbl 5 heart, it would have showed a hand with minimum, so now 5 spade from Eide made it easier for Ellingsen, because it looked like partner was short in heart, and he could raise to 6 spade. This kind of boards is decisive in short matches as here in the Nordic Championship.

Kristian Ellingsen raised to 6 spades, but Ida Grønkvist passed.

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Social event at 8 PM.

Important information from Rosaline and Vicky:

There will be a social event at 8 PM tonight. It would be nice if everyone could be there.


Father and son Bilde


Dennis Bilde is 23 years old and playing for Denmark U25. Few days before he arrived at Hamar, he won Vanderbilt (Spring nationals in the United States) with his father Morten. Morten is NPC for the danish U25 team and we approached them for a talk.

We agreed with Sabine Auken and Roy Welland a few years ago that we should play a tournament together, and we are happy that we chose vanderbilt  this year :) . Dennis has played the U.S. nationals before, but Morten made his first apperents.

In the early stage of the tourney we noticed that personal decisions were more crucial than actual bridge conventions.

celebrate the victory in one of the world's most prestigious tournaments.We played 64 boards per match. In round of 16, Dennis finally got to play against his favourite bridge player, Geir Helgemo, and Tor Helness. It was a very exciting match, were we had to catch up 56 imps on the last 16 boards. 

All teams in Vanderbilt played very well, and it was impressive how they changed bidding style based on the intermediate result. But they are probably used to be in similar situations. Our team mate, Roy Welland is very good at creating imps when we need them, especially against sponsors. 

Happy Birthday Matias!


The bloggers would like to congratulate the NPC of the Danish U20 team with his 25th birthday!! Have a nice one!


Round Robin 3, Sweden U25 vs Denmark U25

Board 13

Board 13 was an interesting board in the vugraph match between Sweden U25 and Denmark U25.

Daniel Gullberg in south had a real bidding problem over 3 hearts. He solved this problem with a conventional 3NT showing 4 diamonds and 6(+)clubs, and his partner Johan Karlsson ended the bidding competition with 5 diamonds. Karlsson had a fast play for 12 tricks. At the other table Peter Jepsen opened with 2 diamonds, Cecilia Rimstedt in east bid 2 hearts and Majka Bilde in soth ended the auction with 5 diamonds, making 12 tricks and a flat board.


The Norwegian U20 team bid and made 6 diamonds after this bidding competition

(2 diamonds showed weak with 5 or 6 diamonds, 2NT forcing with diamond support, 3NT showing 6 diamonds, 4NT 0314 blackwood, 5 hearts 2 aces)