Round Robin 3, Sweden U25 vs Denmark U25




Lars Arthur Johansen

Kristoffer Hegge

Sten Bjertnes



Man Tir Ons Tor Fre Lør Søn
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Board 13

Board 13 was an interesting board in the vugraph match between Sweden U25 and Denmark U25.

Daniel Gullberg in south had a real bidding problem over 3 hearts. He solved this problem with a conventional 3NT showing 4 diamonds and 6(+)clubs, and his partner Johan Karlsson ended the bidding competition with 5 diamonds. Karlsson had a fast play for 12 tricks. At the other table Peter Jepsen opened with 2 diamonds, Cecilia Rimstedt in east bid 2 hearts and Majka Bilde in soth ended the auction with 5 diamonds, making 12 tricks and a flat board.


The Norwegian U20 team bid and made 6 diamonds after this bidding competition

(2 diamonds showed weak with 5 or 6 diamonds, 2NT forcing with diamond support, 3NT showing 6 diamonds, 4NT 0314 blackwood, 5 hearts 2 aces)