Father and son Bilde




Lars Arthur Johansen

Kristoffer Hegge

Sten Bjertnes



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Dennis Bilde is 23 years old and playing for Denmark U25. Few days before he arrived at Hamar, he won Vanderbilt (Spring nationals in the United States) with his father Morten. Morten is NPC for the danish U25 team and we approached them for a talk.

We agreed with Sabine Auken and Roy Welland a few years ago that we should play a tournament together, and we are happy that we chose vanderbilt  this year :) . Dennis has played the U.S. nationals before, but Morten made his first apperents.

In the early stage of the tourney we noticed that personal decisions were more crucial than actual bridge conventions.

celebrate the victory in one of the world's most prestigious tournaments.We played 64 boards per match. In round of 16, Dennis finally got to play against his favourite bridge player, Geir Helgemo, and Tor Helness. It was a very exciting match, were we had to catch up 56 imps on the last 16 boards. 

All teams in Vanderbilt played very well, and it was impressive how they changed bidding style based on the intermediate result. But they are probably used to be in similar situations. Our team mate, Roy Welland is very good at creating imps when we need them, especially against sponsors.